
About Harmjoy

HARMJOY are Mr. Dan von Hoyel and Mr. Ølåf Å. Reimers

Following their stellar debut album, "Silver Lining of the Mushroom Cloud," the German/American duo, Harmjoy, performed live in Germany in 2015 at the Kasematten Festival in Halberstadt and again at Wave Gothic Treffen in Leipzig. Hailing their upcoming album, "Pain Tolerance," Harmjoy returns on March 5th to play at the E-Troplis Festival in Oberhausen, Germany.


With music by German artist Ølåf Å. Reimers (from the EBM band Tyske Ludder) and vocals/lyrics by Dan von Hoyel (from San Francisco and the voice of the Swedish synthpop band TITANS), Harmjoy injects industrial music with its unique blend of rich vocals and dynamic musical nuances.


Like the German term Schadenfreude (the origin of the band's name), HarmJoy's music captures many coexisting opposites. Their dark and danceable style blends bleeding-edge beats and sounds with nostalgic musical flavours grown from the duo's long experience in EBM, goth and synthpop. Their rich vocals and painstakingly, thought-provoking lyrics evoke simultaneous feelings, like pleasure and pain, anger and elation, and loss and rejuvenation. HarmJoy's visuals borrow from the aesthetics of 1950s household fetish, bondage and discipline, and the Cold War era. HarmJoy brings an intellectual edge to electronic dance music that is both ironic and iconic.


Dan von Hoyel

San Francisco, autumn 2015


Manifesto of Harm Joy

Harm Joy is who we are, what we feel, and what we create. The embodiment of Schadenfreude, we are what gives you that sweet but slightly guilty pleasure you experience when hearing of another's misfortune, particularly that of a friend. We believe there is no pain without pleasure, even if not felt by the same individual. We believe there is no discipline without some form of bondage, either physical, mental, or emotional. All three are best.

We resurrect the nostalgic, not to make you feel good but to feel what nostalgia really means: in Greek, the pain from an old wound. It has been said that nostalgia is the art of forgetting how bad things really used to be. We of Harm Joy are here to remind you.

• A time of intense promise for the future in the shadow of intense fear of doomsday
• A time of intense prosperity amidst the rubble of intense destruction
• A time of intense humanity as a disguise for intense objectification
• A time of intense liberation while bound into intense role enforcement
• A time of intense values masking even more intense perversions

Harm Joy is symbiosis. Harm Joy is balance. Harm Joy delivers discomfort in the midst of pleasure. Harm Joy induces pain to produce relief. Harm Joy forces thoughts in order to free your mind. Listen.

"Silver Lining of the Mushroom Cloud"

With their debut album, "Silver Lining of the Mushroom Cloud," the German-American electro-synth duo Harmjoy embraces the beats of bleeding edge technology and echoes the Cold War aesthetics of 1950s household fetish. Blending the classic and the edgy, the familiar and the fantastical--using both lyrics and music--HARM JOY evokes the dichotomy of the word it's based on: Schadenfreude. The duo draws on their symphonic music backgrounds and long histories of involvement in the dark music scene. With music by Ølåf Å. Reimers (originally from Friesland and the composer behind the EBM band Tyske Ludder) and vocals/lyrics by Dan von Hoyel (from San Francisco and the voice of the Swedish synthpop artists TITANS), HARM JOY brings a thought-provoking flavour to industrial music. Dance, or listen? Seethe, or reflect? The choice is the listener's. Or is it?

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